“As a pearl in the Indian Ocean” (2018) – Chapbook – Gloria Mannazzu – 16/16


I will appear from the dust
the powder that stays on your face,
the path you wanted to skip
the breath you have not taken.

The phoenix screams out loud
where is your new role?
Where are your future grounds?
We will build everything again.

Whispering in a ear
you embrace me
saying you will always be with me.

“As a pearl in the Indian Ocean” (2018) – Chapbook with fourteen poems and twelve watercolours by Gloria Mannazzu.

1- As a pearl in the Indian Ocean
2- It is true
3- In this box
4- Acknowledgement
5- A silent song
6- Anchor yourself
7- The day to find out
8- Parallel waves
9- It will rain everywhere
10- Paradigms unknown
11- And the time passes by
12- The breathing of a Buddha
13- As a lullaby
14- As a phoenix

© 2018 Poems and artworks by Gloria Mannazzu. All rights reserved.