Master Universitario di Primo Livello in Intercultural Competence and Management, University of Verona, Italy. 2012-2013
Graduate research in philosophy. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. 2003-2004
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, University of Bristol, United Kingdom. 2000-2003
Chapbooks – Poetry
“Dear Fear” (2021) – Chapbook with fourteen poems and twelve artworks
“Tailwinds” (2020) – Chapbook with fourteen poems and seventeen artworks
“Seeking Joy” (2019) – Chapbook with fourteen poems and six artworks
“Elements of the Divine” (2019) – Chapbook with fourteen poems and six artworks
“Cherry Trees” (2018) – Chapbook with fourteen poems and eleven watercolours
“As a pearl in the Indian Ocean” (2018) – Chapbook with fourteen poems and twelve watercolours
“If one word” (2017) – Chapbook with eleven poems and eight watercolours
Film Projects
Writer, Director, Producer:
Back to Famagusta (2009), Medium-Length Film
Alter Ego (2007), Short Film
A Una Moneda (2006), Short Film
Loop (2006), Short Film
Letters to a Close Relative (2005), Short Film
Art Exhibitions
Solo Exhibitions:
Galleria D’Arte “Tra la Terra e il Cielo”, Nizza Monferrato (Asti), Italy. 28 April-12 May 2007
Galleria Studio Laboratorio, Torino, Italy. 27 October- 12 November 2005.
Group Exhibitions and Art Contests:
2th AAW International Youth Salon 2007, Atelier of Alexandria (Assembly of Artists and Writers), Alexandria, Egypt 16-20 April 2007.
International Art Contest “Giovanni Olindo 2006”. Winner of the Prize: Solo exhibition at Galleria D’Arte “Tra la Terra e il Cielo”, Nizza Monferrato (Asti), Italy.
Galleria Studio Laboratorio, Torino, Italy. Group Exhibition June 2006.