“Cherry Trees” (2018) – Chapbook – Gloria Mannazzu – 13/15


The time has gone by and
I have been waiting
in the illusion
of your coming back.

The door was locked
the gate was shut
the curtains left there
creating shadows of ghosts.

There is somewhere
a place right for me
there is someone else
who will connect with me.

It is with gratitude that
I can confess
all the good changes
done to get ready
for your homecoming.

I can sense now
the renewed person
I have become.

I can breathe the experience
of travelling on my own
through all the pain
from the past.

The journey of a hero
who faces the great precipice and
makes the leap
to another land.

It is with gratitude that
I let go of my hope
that kept me linked to you.

I accept now that
you will not reach me.

I am writing
from a point of view
enriched by this experience.

I untie this imaginary bond
I am free now
I can let you go.

“Cherry Trees” (2018) – Chapbook with fourteen poems and eleven watercolours by Gloria Mannazzu.

1- Cherry Trees
2- Keep quiet
3- Will you join me?
4- Grantees only
5- Renewing vows
6- Fearing absolutes
7- We can thrive
8- Learning new ways
9- A common path
10- Have the courage to cry
11- Your prayers
12- Gratitude
13- Where are you now?
14- Then poetry will save me

© 2018 Poems and artworks by Gloria Mannazzu. All rights reserved.